Thursday, February 10, 2011

Birds and more.. 61 species in 3 days

                                                                 Raymond Tinglin '12

Marvelwood group 2011 was very peaceful 
(Katie, Nicole, Joseph, Raymond, and Forrest)

Tony's Tattoo (Lucas' Dad)

The Girls help setting up the nets for the new MoSI Bird Banding Station.

Endangered endemic frog that Kerry '11 found on a frog hunt

The greatest science teacher; Laurie Doss

Tony and Lucas O'Malley

Nicole releasing a bird after processing

Donna Randles and her son Lucas '11

Royal Flycatcher

Ms. Doss holding a Mot Mot

Raymond Tinglin '12 processing a bird 

Ms. K holding a bird 

Mark Esposito holding a bird

Joseph Goldin '12 with a bird 

Board members Tony O'Malley and Mark Esposito  in Panama

Board Member and their sons
(Lucas, Tony, Mark, and Mike)

With Ms. Doss

Henry's first time  holding and releasing a bird.

Raymond Tinglin '12 checking out his "property" or the acres he raised money to protect as part of his Eagle Scout Project.

The childern of La Zahina painting the mural Ms. Rand and Ms. K created. 

Lucas with his parents 

Connor, Ms. Doss, Lucas, and Mike on the last day in Cocoblo Nature Reserve.

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