Saturday, March 17, 2012

Our day with the Embera in Chagres National Park

The journey to the waterfall and Embera community.

The river was low this trip which meant we had a 20 minute hike to the waterfall !

The "Will's" enjoying the scenic views.

Vicky and Alice negotiating a steep area along the trail.

Will "Peanut" hiking to the waterfall.

We can conquer anything!

Ms. Doss is one crazy woman!

Alice getting ready to make her way to the waterfall.

Ready for prime time!  The Sport's Illustrated Panama 2012 Swimsuit Edition!

I made it!

Alice's journey to the waterfall with a little help from her new Embera friends.

Vicky and Alice relaxing in the waterfall pool.

Wow...look what the Panama water did to my hair!

Colt's cool lizard sighting along the way to the waterfall! Colt and Ms. Doss got a little distracted by the plethora of frogs the found on the way back to the waterfall causing a slight delay in our journey to the Embera community!

The journey to the Embera community continues!

Marvelwood presenting posters to the community of photos from previous trips to visit the Embera

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